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Friday, September 28, 2012

A few of my Leica M9 favorites of this year...

All converted to B & W in Lightroom.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Leica M9 does B+W clown and catwalk...

Just three quick images today that I made at the Fashion Circus and converted to black and white.

All  images made with the M9 + 50 mm Summilux.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Leica M9 does a cemetery...

For a lot of people cemeteries are sad or scary places to visit. I find them very peaceful. There is this one cemetery in Johannesburg with very busy main roads on all four sides of it, -  inside it is very quiet with a sort of calm about it. Made these two at this cemetery.

                                                      Leica M9 + 35 mm Summilux.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Leica M9 does abandoned factory...

Saw this abandoned factory as I was visiting a client on the East Rand. I was thinking of getting access to the premises as their is a ton of images just waiting to be made. For now this images taken through the locked gate will have to do.

                                                       Leica M9 + 50 mm Summarit.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Leica M9 does the SA Tattoo 2012...

We went to the 2012 SA Tattoo the past weekend. We were seated right at the front and had a great view of all 800 performers. Unfortunately the seats were a good two meters above the ground level and there was an ugly railing halfway in front of us, - problematic if one wants to make some images of the show. Best thing to do in situations like this is to sit back and enjoy the show, - there will be others.

                              The event was held at Monti casino, -  that was lit-up in all it's glory.

                                  The bagpipes was definitely one of the highlights of the show.

                                                      The conductor of the ceremony.

All images made with the M9 + 50 mm Summilux.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Leica M9 does fashion circus...

At one of the biggest shopping mall a " Fashion Circus" was set-up the past week-end and I happened to be at two of the catwalks to see what the M9 can do.

Looking back I should have shot at higher ISO to get faster shutter speed.

This was one of the high key images shots I made that came out the way I wanted.

All in all it went o k, but it will take some more practice until I can get the success rate of images up to where I want it.

When the models was standing still, or making the turnaround, it was easy enough, but when the were walking towards me, the manual focusing took some skills, especially with the F-stop at the open end.

All images made with the M9 + 50mm Summilux

Monday, September 10, 2012

Leica M9 - more classic cars...

Some more classic cars from the show...



 All images made with the M9 + 50mm Summilux.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Leica M9 does people at the classic car day...

People are always fascinating and if you get them together with the talk of the town from yesteryear it is just so much better.
Conversations went from " those were the days' to "they don't make them like this anymore"

All images made with the M9 + 50mm Summilux combo.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Leica M9 does Wheels on the Vaal, Classic cars...

The yearly Classic car festival took place again, and naturally I took the M9 out for the day. To see these wonderful old vehicles of yesteryear is just so nice, - you can see the love that went into restoring these old bodies and of cause the people that come to these shows are also something special!

                                                                        1958 Chevy

                                                                     1930 Ford
                                                              1957 Oldsmobile
                                                                 The Monster

                                                               Gangster style - 1930's
                                                  The colors on this Anglia was unreal!
                                                        Even Jumbo the tractor was there.
All images made with the M9 + 50mm Summilux.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Leica M9 does a high key image...

Made this High Key image of my beautiful wife.

                                                  M9, 35 mm Summilux F 1.4 , 4000/s converted to B+W