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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

M9 and the Croc sculpture...

At the entrance to the club-house of the Lost City Golf course there is this giant bronze sculpture of a crocodile! A stark reminder of what is waiting at the 13th hole!

Made with the Leica M9 and 50 mm Summilux F1.4

Monday, October 29, 2012

Leica M9 + 90 mm Summarit at the races...

Took a 90 mm Summarit F2.5 to the Motor races at Kyalami to see how this lens will handle in the field. As you know for this kind of shooting I will use the 50 mm Summilux F1.4, but I felt I need a little more "reach".

The Summarit is not a lot of people's first lens of choice, usually because of what I feel unfair comments as it is not one of Leica's top/expensive lenses.

As you can see there is absolute nothing wrong with this lens, the results speak for themselves.
I even squeezed a few of at F2.5 with very sharp results.

For just when you need a bit more length or reach, this lens is very good and it will definitely stay in my bag.

                                           What will a Leica shoot be with-out a B&W image?

All images made with the Leica M9 + 90 mm Summarit.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The M9 on the inside of the Palace...

Two images I made inside the Palace of the Lost City. The first is of the restaurant area.

                                        One of the many statues inside the Palace, all life size!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Leica M9 does Moto X...

At a regional Moto X race event I took the M9 and made a few images. Thing is about Moto X, the bikes comes by very quickly and although I had permission to get onto the track, I still had to make use of zone-focusing to get the action.

For one thing the dust was quite heck-tick and got into everything. The M9 held-up very nice though.

And what will it be if I didn't try the M9 on maximum aperture at F1.4 for what it is famous for?!

As you can see it was a very cloudy day, but F1.4 still maxed the shutter speed out at 4000?s

Many people asked me before, why do I use this type of camera for all these things that it was not really meant for? Well, I don't want to put a restriction on any camera and say it is only meant for this or that type of photography. I got the camera first of all for the amazing images it is capable of, secondly because of the small size and thirdly it gives me much, much more satisfaction to have to work that much harder to get the similar, or better results, in manual, than any of my big kits!

All images made with the M9 + 50 mm Summilux combo.

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Human condition called sitting...


                                           Taking the doggies for a walk, or sit, in the park...

                                            Reading/napping/burning time in the airport...

                                                     On the beach with friends...

                                                                 Next to the pool...

                                                   Taking a break during lunch-hour...

                                                     Getting to know a stranger...

                                                            Waiting for a movie...

                                                    Enjoying the first day of the new Year...

                                                   Listening and learning in class...

                                                 Just hanging out with your best friend...

                                                              In old age with mates...

                                                     Taking a break while traveling...

                                                           Having a smoke and a chat...

                                                    Hanging out with classic cars...

                                                                    Watching sport...

                                                                    Having lunch....

                                                                 On a wall with friends...

                                                                   Feeding the birds...
                                    Waiting for your people to come home at the end of a day...

                                                        Relaxing with a good read...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

M9 and the Palace of the Lost city...

Here are a few images I made at the outside of the Palace.

All images made with the Leica M9 and 50 mm Summilux F1.4

Monday, October 15, 2012

Leica M9 does the Lost City Golf Course...

Nothing beats an early walk on the golf course. The course is in a magnificent state.

                                         The club house reminds of Fred Flintstone's house!?

All images made with the Leica M9 and 50 mm Summilux F1.4


Friday, October 12, 2012

M9 does a walk in the park...

I took the M9 and the 50 mm Summarit for a walk in the local park and came-up with these.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Leica M9 goes from Winter to Summer in one go...

While we in Johannesburg are getting fried in temperatures as high as 33 degrees, Cape town are still in winter with temps in the 17 degrees region! Global warming?

                                              Cold clouds over Lions Head in Cape Town.

                                               Oak avenue in Franschhoek, Cape Town.

Images made with the M9, 35 + 50mm Lux's.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Leica M9 does levitating images...

My boy and I was having a day out when he suggested we make some images of him flying. After I played around with the shutter speed and he got it right, according to him, to get the look as if he was levitating in mid air.

                                                  This one the attempted look was - flying!