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Monday, February 25, 2013

UFO in Singapore?...

No not exactly, - just a very modern style building in the city centre.

Leica M9 + 50mm Summilux.

Friday, February 22, 2013

At the Japanese temple in China Town...

Made a few images at the Japanese Temple in China town in Singapore, - now there is a confusing geographical sentence :)

Leica M9 + 50mm Summilux.

Monday, February 18, 2013

New year in Singapore!...

One of the best New Years celebrations I have had in my life! The fire-works and lazer show was unbelievable!

8 images stitched together.

Leica M9 + 50 mm Summilux.

Friday, February 15, 2013

50 meter man-made Super trees!?...

                             This strange phenomenon is in Singapore at the botanical gardens.
Leica M9 + 50 mm Summilux.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The cowboy in the tropical forest...

                                        Where are you going? Where is your horse?
Leica M9 +50 mm Summilux

Monday, February 11, 2013


                                                      I am thinking... I want a ice-cream!
Leica M9 + 50 mm Summarit

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fun with parrots...

                                                      What was that Harold? Speak up!

                                                      Stop fooling around and get up here!
Leica M9 + 50 mm Summilux.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The movers...

                                                        Are we at the right home?
Leica M9 + 50 mm Summilux

Monday, February 4, 2013

For sale. A real break-a-way spot...

On a tiny island in the Andeman sea near Thailand you can, only just, see this small little house in the forest. At first I almost missed it and had to walk around it to see the actual size.

                                             Just think of the spiders in the house...

Leica M9 + 50 mm Summilux

Friday, February 1, 2013

Thailand scooters, - a way of life... part 3

                                                            Shopping coming to you...

                                                                Fast-food delivery...

                                                         Holiday visitors exploring...

                                                         Boogie-board under the bum.