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Friday, November 29, 2013

M9 and the 94.7 cycle challenge 2013...

                                                                       A big pelleton...
                                                             Passing in a blur...
                                                                 Passing a runner!?
                                           Leica M9 + 90mm Summarit + 50mm Summilux

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Leica Boutique opening in Johannesburg!...

Last week, Thursday night, the very first Leica Boutique opened in South Africa!

                                 Live music!

A photographer was shooting and showing-off the new Leica S - series. Not to be taken lightly at        R 350 000 ! + R 150 000 for the lens!

A One-of-a-kind Al - La - Cart Leica.

The Marketing CEO of Leica came from Germany to do the official hand-over and gave a certificate to the owner.

The moment of opening!

Monday, November 25, 2013

M9 and the 94.7 cycle challenge 2013...

                                                     Almost there... no pain, no gain...

Leica M9 + 90mm Summarit + 50mm Summilux

Friday, November 22, 2013

M9 and the 94.7 cycle challenge 2013...

The Tortoise and the Hare...
In the pack...

Father and Son riding to save the Rhino's...
Leica M9 + 90mm Summarit + 50mm Summilux

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

M9 and the 94.7 cycle challenge 2013...

                                                                Pain or ecstasy?!...

                                             Leica M9 + 90mm Summarit + 50mm Summilux

Friday, November 15, 2013

M9 at the Casino in Monte Carlo...

The ball-fountain in front...

                                                     Leica M9 + 50mm Summilux

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

M9 in Qwa Qwa, in the class... listening/thinking...

                                                    Leica M9 + 50mm Summilux

Monday, November 11, 2013

M9 in Nice, the lady with the umbrella...

Taking a break...

                                                     Leica M9 + 50mm Summilux

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

M9 in Paris, - two princesses...

                                                           A princess on her horse...
                                                                      On her special day...
Leica M9 + 90mm Summarit.

Monday, November 4, 2013

M9 in Nice, - the old and new...

                                                                      Old and new...
                                                            One day when I am big...

                                                               A Vespa chopper?!
Leica M9 + 50mm Summilux

Friday, November 1, 2013

M9 and Coffee time, - Paris...

                                                           Break-time, coffee time...

                                                                   Waiting for patrons...
                                                                         One open table...

Leica M9 + 50mm Summilux