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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Prague, the city of music...

When we visit foreign countries I love to walk the streets and see and hear the street musicians. Maybe it is because they are playing instruments, creating something beautiful from nothing, maybe because they are artist, like photographers, creating something in their own minds beautiful, or maybe just because, in secret, we all want to make music?

In Prague the street musicians are everywhere, - with preference to the Charles Bridge as this is where the most tourist are. Some goes to extremes to show their talents, - like this Australian, playing more than one instrument at a time.

This guy told us he is touring the world and through his instruments he is paying the way.

You cannot go past such a fellow traveler/artist not dropping a few coins into his hat.

Some are more friendly than others, but who are we to judge, - after all, are we not all travelers on the same road?

And then you get the ones were all you can do is stand in amazement, - not so much as of the music they make but in awe of the creativity that is the "musical" instrument!

And what would a visit to Prague be without a visit to one of the cathedral's where the "professional" musicians make music?

No matter what you prefer, street musicians are entertaining, where-ever they perform, how friendly or funny or sad they are and as fellow travelers we owe it to them to drop a few coins into their hats. Never let the music dies.

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