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Friday, March 23, 2012

M9 does bird gardens with the 35mm 'Lux...

I visited the bird gardens in Northern Johannesburg with my son and took the M9 and the 35mm Summilux F 1.4 with to shoot some birds. Anyone still wondering about the color rendering of this remarkable camera can rest assure... it is superb!
All images were made with the 35 mm 'Lux, (latest edition) lens, wide open at F1.4. All though I had to crop some of the images, the big sensor-size of the M9 gave me plenty of MB to work with. No image is smaller than 8MB.

                                                 My wing is also my cape...

                                                   Look at the sharpness in the eye!

                                          This looks almost HDR, - strait from the camera!

                                                                    Beautiful colors!


                                                                        Just chilling!

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