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Saturday, April 14, 2012

M9 does the colorful Bo-Kaap, Cape Town... part 1...

Just a stone trow away from the city center, you can find the most beautiful area caled the Bo-Kaap. (Top-Cape). An area with steep hills due to the location against the hill called Signal Hill, this area is a feast for a photographer wanting to explore the color settings of his tools...

Just look at these colors! This street, including the mosque seems to like pastel colors. See the man peeping at me through the window? This area was originally settled by freed slaves brought over by the Dutch in the 17th Century. This Cape Malay community is proudly Islamic.

                           Even the washing, hanging on the street seems to "fit" in this area!

                             Here you can see the colorful houses against the backdrop of Signal Hill.

                     What vivid colors! All images made with the M9,35 mm ,F160, F5.6


  1. Great colours, I miss visits to Cape Town. I used to live in the Free State get there often. Next time I get chance I'll check out Bo-Kapp with my M9.
    Alan G

  2. Hi Alain, It is a great place to wander around with cobble streets and friendly people.
    An absolute must for a photographer.
    Thank you for looking.
