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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Young Community Shaper finalist 2012 - Jerry

Jerry is a young man of 21 who saw that the Educational System in his hometown, Soshanguwe are not giving enough attention to the learners. The pass rate was low and it was worrying to him. Jerry started a project where he is unselfishly giving-up his weekends to teach Math's and Physics to learners struggling with these subjects.

                                                                        Jerry in class.

Jerry is such a special person that he not only sacrifice his weekends but he is also studying at the University in Johannesburg, - a good 70 km away from his hometown where he teach these extra classes!
Having a good time with other students on weekends is not important to him, he rather help prepare the youth for their future.

                                               Waiting outside class, listening to some tunes.

Whenever he goes home for some time with his family, students come to his house so he can help them with these subjects. He never complains or turns them away, - he helps everyone.

                                                           Concentrating and listening.

                                                                A future mathematician?

                                          One of the volunteers at the project helping a learner.


Here is Jerry and his three volunteers in front of the school where they conduct the extra classes.

To Jerry and his volunteers who work so hard and sacrifice so much in order to help fellow youths, unselfishly, with no compensation, - we congratulate you for being the first finalist in the YCS 2012 competition. Well done!

                   And a view of a part of Soshanguve. Three images stitched together.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Young Community Shaper finalist 2012 - Themba...

Themba runs a community project in an informal settlement in Midrand, Johannesburg. In the short time I spent with him, I realized that he is doing exactly what he should be doing, this is his calling.

He is a young man with such a gentle heart, a ton of patience and a will to uplift his community.

Working at an local Primary school for no pay, he conducts extra classes for the children after school, helping them with their homework.

Through his project he secured a special room at the school where he and other volunteers can spend quality time with children that needs extra attention, - be it homework or social problems.

After school he helps with the feeding of the learners and because school is not only about studies, - he also couch Soccer , Cricket and Netball for the children.

During the years he has seen a bigger need at a local Secondary school to help teach leaders in the educational system. Here he started to teach a leadership course and the results speak for themselves. The pass rate at the High School have gone from 60% to 80% since his involvement.

Themba have big plans for the future of his project as he wants to start a Youth Centre in the area -where youth from all ages can do mentorships in all aspects of life, - preparing them for a brighter, secure future.

                           All images made with the M9 35mm, 50mm Summiluxes.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Leica M9 +People we meet on the road...

While on the road and filming the projects of the Young Community Shapers finalists for this year we always run into interesting people. Here are a few from a recent trip.

 Two ladies passing by wanting to have their picture taken. Who am I to refuse? Orange Farm, Gauteng.

A car wash with a difference? Four lads playing cards in frond of the car wash! Qua Qua, Free State.

                                    A Basotho man with traditional clothing. Qua Qua, Free State.

                                            All images made with the M9, 50 mm Summilux 

Friday, May 25, 2012

M9 and the joy of kids...

At a local project I made a few on the playground with the magical M9 + 50 mm Summilux combo.

A boy showing me his scary, karate face! :) M9 + 50 mm Lux at ISO 160, F1.4

Beautiful child.  M9 + 50 mm Lux at ISO 160, F1.4

My favorite, - a HCB moment. Look at the two fighting for the tap in the front, some running still towards the tap and the dude on the side looking at hands to see if he really needs to was his hands?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Young Community Shapers 2012...

On Saturday we started with the filming of the projects for the Young Community Shapers 2012. This competition is a celebration of the youths helping to uplift their communities. For those wondering what the fuzz is all about should see the blog entries of October 2011. This year the sponsors are looking at projects whom is more focused on education.

Although we are not at a stage where we can announce who the top nine finalists are of this year, I can post some images I made while we where shooting the projects. These images are of people I met on the road in and around the contestant's  projects and are only to mend to be shared with you in order to show you more of our very diverse country.

Once again I used the Leica M9 + the 50 mm Summilux, F1.4, and once again I was amazed at the image qualities I get from this dream combo!

I met these two friends and they were just to eager to let me make some images of them. The last one was made at F1.4, ISO 160.

Monday, May 21, 2012

M9 does 10 000 meters in the air...

While on the plane I was squeezed into a seat at the window. Although I usually prefer to sit on an isle seat I took the opportunity to make some images.

These first three are not strange circles made by aliens, - but are actually farmers that planted crops in circular shapes. The water sprayers are then anchored in the middle and goes round and round to water the fields.

                                      This mountains looks like something from Lord of the Rings.

                                                              Destination, - Cape Town!

       Getting close to touch-down! All images made with the M9, 50mm Summarit, ISO 160, F5.6 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Leica M9 does Green Point Stadium...

Green Point, as seen from Signal Hill. Five images stitched together. The stadium towards the right, on the right edge the V & A Waterfront and Harbor. On the left is what used to be the golf coarse they used for the stadium. On the horizon, Robben Island.

                                                      M9, 35mm Lux, ISO 160, F5.6

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Leica M9 does Chapman's Peak...

View from Chapman's Peak towards Hout Bay. Five images stacked on top of each other.

                                                    M9, 35mm Lux, ISO 160, F 5.6

Monday, May 14, 2012

Leica M9 does Franschhoek storm...

On a cold Autumn day, a storm approaching over the mountains of Franschhoek.

                                                            M9,35mm Lux, F5.6, ISO 160

Friday, May 11, 2012

Leica M9 does Table Mountain from the top...

One of the must do things in Cape Town is a visit to the top of Table Mountain via cable car. Although we have done this before, the last time was 9 years ago. All images made with the M9 & 35 mm Summilux asph.

The view of the City bowl from the start of the cable car ride up the mountain. A foggy morning. Seven images stitched together.

Passing another car on our way up. The inside of the cable car rotates, giving everyone aboard a 360 degrees view.

             Signal hill, with the Greenpoint stadium on the right and Robben Island on the horizon.

                                                    The Twelve Apostles as seen from above.

                            The cars at the bottom are minute, - almost a kilometer down.

                                                          Bringing more visitors to the top.

                      Camps Bay to the left. In the forefront you can do abseiling if brave enough.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Leica M9 does the colorful Muizenberg beach...

Muizenberg is a beach suburb of Cape Town and is situated on False Bay. It is considered as the birthplace of surfing in South Africa. But surfing was not on my mind with this visit. I wanted to make a few images of the colorful bathing suit change rooms situated at the tidal pool at the beach. All images made with the M9 & 35 mm Summilux ASPH.

                          What is nicer than walking around in the pools, looking for interesting things?

                I saw this guy, just as colorful as the structures on the beach, - maybe he is a chameleon?

                                       Some holiday goers brave the cold water in the tidal pool.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Leica M9 does smashing waves...

What is a holiday without a early morning walk next to the ocean? Time to find a nice spot and reflect. And of cause make some beautiful images. All made with the M9 and 35mm 'Lux

Friday, May 4, 2012

Leica M9 does Cape Point...

Located at the most South-Western tip of Africa lies Cape Point. All-tough we have visited this National Park many times before I have always wanted to climb down to a specific deserted beach. This time we decided to do it and was not disappointed.

Here is the beach. To give you an idea of the scale, - there are two people to the left playing in the waves.

                                                          The staircase down to the beach.

Some of the bird life we saw on the beach. We found the beach really deserted and beautiful. Lost of Blue Bottles in the water made it impossible to swim without getting stung.

              I made this from the rim, shooting in the direction of the highest point in the Park.

                                      Some little stakes of rocks visitors place on one of the cliffs.
                                             All images made with the M9, 35 mm 'Lux, ISO 160.