Jerry is a young man of 21 who saw that the Educational System in his hometown, Soshanguwe are not giving enough attention to the learners. The pass rate was low and it was worrying to him. Jerry started a project where he is unselfishly giving-up his weekends to teach Math's and Physics to learners struggling with these subjects.
Jerry in class.
Jerry is such a special person that he not only sacrifice his weekends but he is also studying at the University in Johannesburg, - a good 70 km away from his hometown where he teach these extra classes!
Having a good time with other students on weekends is not important to him, he rather help prepare the youth for their future.
Waiting outside class, listening to some tunes.
Whenever he goes home for some time with his family, students come to his house so he can help them with these subjects. He never complains or turns them away, - he helps everyone.
Concentrating and listening.
A future mathematician?
One of the volunteers at the project helping a learner.

Here is Jerry and his three volunteers in front of the school where they conduct the extra classes.
To Jerry and his volunteers who work so hard and sacrifice so much in order to help fellow youths, unselfishly, with no compensation, - we congratulate you for being the first finalist in the YCS 2012 competition. Well done!
And a view of a part of Soshanguve. Three images stitched together.
Jerry in class.
Jerry is such a special person that he not only sacrifice his weekends but he is also studying at the University in Johannesburg, - a good 70 km away from his hometown where he teach these extra classes!
Having a good time with other students on weekends is not important to him, he rather help prepare the youth for their future.
Waiting outside class, listening to some tunes.
Whenever he goes home for some time with his family, students come to his house so he can help them with these subjects. He never complains or turns them away, - he helps everyone.
Concentrating and listening.
A future mathematician?
One of the volunteers at the project helping a learner.

To Jerry and his volunteers who work so hard and sacrifice so much in order to help fellow youths, unselfishly, with no compensation, - we congratulate you for being the first finalist in the YCS 2012 competition. Well done!
And a view of a part of Soshanguve. Three images stitched together.
The pictures look really nice, thank you very much!!! is great what Jerry and his friends are doing. This is what South Africa needs, people who are willing to help witout expecting something in return!