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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Young Community Shaper finalist 2012 - Dorcas...

In the windy, dusty town of Joberton outside Klerksdorp we found yet another amazing young lady.
Busy preparing the food that she will later give to learners at a local school; she was almost to busy to notice us.

Dorcas lives with her Mother and together they have a small roadside vegetable shop that helps with funds to buy the food provided to the learners.

Dorcas told me that she knows how difficult it is to study with an empty stomach and that is one of the reasons they are doing this.

But this is not where she stops. After school she helps with the couching of both a soccer and netball team. Believe me I was very surprise to see how this lady can run and play with the boys!

As if all this activities are not enough, she also started to train the learners how to make little arts and craft works to keep them creative and busy.

At the school she is a real legend. Where ever we walked people of all ages came to her and wanted to talk. Here she also has a small group of children that she teach traditional dancing and they love to perform! To this very humble and larger than life girl we say very well done!

All images made with the M9 + 50 mm Summilux combo.

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