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Friday, July 27, 2012

Leica M9 does Ston...

On the way from Split to Dubrovnik you pass the beautiful little town of Ston. There are three things that Ston are famous for;

The first is that Ston have the longest walls protecting a country in Europe.

The second is that Ston have 22 salt manufacturing plants, seen here in the background, that are still working the way they did hundreds of years ago,

and thirdly Ston have hundreds of oyster manufacturing plants in the warm lagoon that almost surround the town.

A church that was badly damaged in an earthquake that hit the town hundreds of years ago.

A beautiful little town with a laid-back atmosphere and warm, friendly people where the local cosine is the best.

All images made with the M9, 35 + 50 mm Lux's.

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