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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Youth Community Project 4

When i first met Evans i noticed how quiet and humble he was.
We went to his Day-care project in the Vaal Area and i was amazed at how he interact with the children.

People who work in the cities had now-where to take their kids during the day,- so they roamed the streets.
Now with the help of Evans they can leave the kids in his safe and capable hands.

He teaches them reading and writing and playing skills and feed them twice a day.

Evans's mom died a few years ago and left him and his brother her house and the lesson that it is much nicer to give than to receive.
Evans and his brother are renting the house of his mother and uses the money to provide this free service to his community.

Apart from this, he runs a small, 3 computer training center in one of the rooms you can see on the pictures.
All this is in the backyard of his Mothers house.
His brother have recently moved to another area where he started his own project similar to this one.

I think this woman are very proud of her two sons and what they are doing to uplift their community.

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