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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Youth Community Project 5

When i arrived at the premises where Patrick runs his community project, i was impressed with the precision  in which things was run. 

Not a single person or child didn't knew where to go, help or do something.
With precision, all of the 200+ children were given food and then sat down to sing some Christian songs.
I have never heard voices so sweet.

Patrick told me that the HIV/TB infection rate in the area was at such a diabolical stage,- with more children being orphaned every day and coming to the church-grounds from where the project are being run, looking for food and shelter.

Apart from feeding so many children Patrick and his group of helpers had to start making house-calls to help cleaning homes, people and cooking for the one's to week to do it themselves.

When you see this firsthand in the areas, you feel so powerless.
People like Patrick how-ever don't sit and wait for some-one to help,- they get together and do it!

Once again all this is taking place with-out any sponsorship or outside help or any-one making money from the situation. A truly remarkable project!

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