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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Youth Community Project 9

Energetic! The one word that comes to mind when i think of Martins.
This young man runs a computer-center in the Vaalrand, all completely out of goodwill.

He is currently teaching around 200 people, adults and scholars, at a computer center where no teachers are available. This is done with no financial compensation from the owners of the center.

Martins saw that people in his community are not computer literate and therefor are not coping in the corporate world. Since he started teaching computer skills people have been able to get better jobs and are much more confident.

The way in witch Martins conducts a class made me want to sit and have a class again.

Pic 1
This pic was made with the 16-35 mm Canon lens on the D40.
I used a of-camera light to bring the face of Martins out and the rest of the scene a bit darker.
I will have a complete posting on this type of shooting later, i call it "strobist shooting".

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