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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Youth Community project 8

In the cleanest rural village, with the friendliest people i have ever came upon, in the North West province,  i met Moiloa.

This young man saw a need to build a library in his community.
With the permission of the Elders, he started his dream in an delapetated structure, witch previously was a tavern where much mischief took place.

Today, with book-donations from every-one that knows some-one in the community they have a fully functional library. Youths visit the library were they are helped with schoolwork.
In one corner Moiloa started a kiddies-corner where they teach little one's to read.

But it didn't stop there, after library-time he goes to coach soccer at a nearby field.
Once a month they hold a soccer tournament.
On certain days acting and traditional dances are practice in the library.

With such responsible and unselfish youths in the community i could see why the whole community is so positive.

Pic 1 - 5,
All made with the 70-200 mm Canon lens.
All people in these pics are spectators at the soccer match.

Pic 6 - 7
Moiloa inside the library and in the store-room going through books in order to be placed in the library.
Both made with the 16-35 mm Canon lens.

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